Enjoy this wine with rich red meat dishes such as beef bourguignon and oxtail. Savour with fruit-cake or other desserts containing hints of cinnamon or...
Enjoy with a roasted tomato-based pasta or beef brisket. Also to be enjoyed with rich, cheesy gratins and an open-fire grilled steak. The more adventurous...
Culinaria Chenin Blanc is a Wine of Origin Western Cape. Grapes used for the production of this Loire-style wine originate from the Voor-Paardeberg area, well-known...
Grand Vin is a Bordeaux-style blend with complex layers. Aromas of red fruit, subtle black whiffs of cassis with integrated Tobacco and a hint of cedar, perfectly...
The Leopard’s Leap Culinaria Pinot Noir is a delicate wine with an interesting combination of red and darker fruit nuances, made in a more classic style.
Leopard's Leap Culinaria Pinot Noir Chardonnay has a well-defined structure and inviting colour and bursts with prominent flavours of pomegranate and citrus palate. Combining the characteristics of both...